I´m having doubts as to whether or not Filofax is my planner of choice.
The main issue is that I find it too difficult to write on the left hand side of the
spread - the rings are in the way and as a result the writing becomes really ugly.
And that disturbs my need for order!

How do people solve this???

I´ve been leaning toward breaking out my electronic system again and since
I´m working increasingly on a computer - aren´t we all - it´s beginning to make
more and more sense.


  1. I've been following your blog. Like you, I have struggled with Filofax, Franklin Covey, and others concerning their "ring" exposure and my writing on the left hand page.
    I can tell you, I've never gotten past that issue. I have huge dollars tied up in Filofax and FC binders.
    Currently I've packed it all up in storage totes and went with "Planner Pad" in a fine leather cover. I love it.
    My current note system is "Field Notes".
    Durable, easy to carry, and no bleed through from my fountain pen.
    Good luck, maybe you can get past the ring issue, I couldn't.

  2. @dannielo: Before I used Omnifocus in conjunction with iCal as my GTD-system. It worked great, but I got i little tired of all the syncing and the lack of nice-ness-factor... But it worked great!
    @PA3789: Planner Pad looks nice, but seems a little far from the basic GTD-thinking of seperating your action-lists from your calendar.

    I think I´ll try to go digital for a while. Using Omnifocus and iCal on my iPod Touch...

  3. It's definitely annoying to write on the left-hand/verso side when you're near the front of the book, so through the years I've moved all of the reference sections forward: I keep my addresses at the front, which rarely need updating; then my big goals and projects come next, which are only ever updated at my desk where it's easy to open the rings and write on the pages loose. My calendar comes next, which is sufficiently near the center of the Filofax that the rings aren't such a nuisance when I write on the left side. The writing-intensive notes section is at the back of the Filofax and the rings hardly bother me at all.

  4. I also have the weekly pages in the middle of my Personal Filofax, and my daily pages even further to the end. That way I have sufficient "ground" to write on the left hand side.
    However, since I use the DO2P refill, I have the appointments on the left and the Todo-list on the righthand page. So it's not such a bother to begin with, since I usually write more on the righthand side.
    And whoever said your filofax has to look neat and tidy? It's a TOOL, and the main goal is function (aka GTD), right?

  5. I'm with M Ng and Jotje. I too keep my reference pages towards the front of the binder and my diary/calendar pages towards the back. This way, when I write on the left-hand side, there's enough lift so that the rings don't get in the way too much.

  6. I just take the page out of the binder!

    Great blog by the way, I really enjoy reading it.

  7. @Nellie, HAHA. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best...


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