Return of The Filo
For quite some time now I've been busy at work trying to get as much stuff done as possible. I've accomplished this by using a nice mix of Evernote for my reference materials, iCal as my calendar and Omnifocus as my task-manager. This worked really well but this last last something happened. As I was preparing to take a three month break from work (where colleagues will be taking care of my assignments) I needed to catch up on, finish, organise, postpone and most importantly delegate all of my tasks. In dealing with this kind of workload my digitally based system didn't work and I found myself making lists on paper and keeping physical files for each of my areas of responsibility! This worked like a charm!!! During my break from work I have therefore decided to dust off my old Filofax Hamilton A5 and give it another spin to see how it'll work during this period. I'll keep this blog updated and will also he posting some photos of the FF out and about! - Posted using ...